Category Archives: Education

Being a teacher

Teaching is a noble profession. It is very true. The teachers devote all the time they have for the students, whether it’s the school time or the time afterwards. For the Montessori and primary school teachers, they have to look after the students and become a father or mother to them at the school. I have seen many teachers carrying the students on their laps during their first days at school when the kids cannot bear the separation from their moms. Many use to take them to the washroom, even clean them after going to the loo. For the middle, high and higher secondary, teachers try their level best to ensure that their students excel in the class, do well in examinations and look after their overall well-being. There are certain regions in the country, where students are not active or aware of the outside world. They are not developed. And even if they are aware, they do not know how to approach the society or carry out their activities and studies. So it is the responsibility of the school and the teachers for their all-round development. The teachers should be made free of other responsibilities as much as possible to concentrate on the students.

Even after these, exceptions do happen. Sometimes teachers are not able to adjust to their surroundings, or the environment where they work is not very supportive. Same may happen for the home environment also. Especially in some regions, the authority of in-laws, relatives and even neighbors is very high. In such situations the daughter-in-law is, if a teacher, balancing everything and this can lead to mental pressure and ultimately depression. The home environment plays a significant role in such conditions. Sometimes the mother in law and sister in law puts pressure on the teacher cum daughter-in-law to pay social visits. Or to participate in each and every social and religious event, which can be handled by any one house member. In such situations, the person becomes helpless. To tackle this, there should be mutual understanding at home, especially the husband and colleagues, especially the higher authority. There should be mindfulness sessions, counselling sessions or just a simple talk with the authority.

As the time has evolved and the teachers’ need to deal with Gen Z, the patterns of teaching and approach has also changed. The students are more sentimental these days, some of them even suffer from depressions. In addition, to increase the complications, they are equipped with latest information, gadgets and apps. Therefore an educator, becomes a teacher, a guide, a counsellor, a parent and a friend. Nowadays, there are certain modifications in the education system also, to generate unique identification cards and numbers. Most of these tasks are performed by the teacher, sometimes by the office staff, if they are very understanding.

This increases the physical and mental work a lot among the teachers. There should be a proper work distribution within the staff of school. as there is a teacher: student ratio, there should be teacher: assistant staff ratio also. These assistants will only do the office work assigned to few teachers. As a result, the office work workload will be reduced totally. And the time spent in doing office work can be spent in the holistic development of the child.